Our Leadership

Advisory Board

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman I - Law and Governance Development Pillar

Sigit Wijatmoko

Regional Secretary’s Assistant for Government Affairs

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman II - Social Development Pillar


Regional Secretary’s Assistant for People’s Welfare

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman III - Economic Development Pillar

Sri Haryati

Regional Secretary’s Assistant for Economy and Finance

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman IV - Economic Development Pillar

Afan Adriansyah Idris

Regional Secretary’s Assistant for Development and Environment

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Coordinator of Implementation

Atika Nur Rahmania

Chairman of Regional Development Planning Agency

Implementation Team

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses


Andhika Ajie

Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Center, Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman I

Eky Darmayanti

Head of Annual Development Planning Division, Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman II

Rama Magrahana

Acting Head of Strategic Planning and Development Funding Division, Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Deputy Chairman III

Agus Imam Rifusua

Head of Data and Information Center for Development Planning, Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses


Arimbi Putik Apsari

Head of Administrative Subdivision of PRID, Bappeda

Chairs of SDGs Working Group

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Law and Governance Development Pillar

Ahmad Anshory Wahdy

Head of Government Affairs Division, Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Social Development Pillar

Dewi Satiasari

Head of People’s Welfare Division, Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Economic Development Pillar

Feirully Irzal

Head of Planning, Development, and Monitoring at Bappeda

Photo of Cartagena's cathedral at the background and some colonial style houses

Environmental Development Pillar


Head of Development and Environment Division, Bappeda



Secretariat Coordinator

Endah Nugrahaning

Head of Social and Population Implementation Unit, PRID Bappeda


Manager of Law and Governance Development Pillar

Fetty Wiyani


Manager of Social Development Pillar

Jaka Ramdani


Manager of Economic Development Pillar

Dhimas Rachman Taufiq


Manager of Environmental Development Pillar

Annisa Utami Kusuma Negara


Data Analyst

Muhammad Naufal Mu'afa


Programmer Specialist

Farhan Sulthan Rifqi


Graphic Design Specialist

Herbeth Naftaly Eliasta

Members of SDGs Working Group