
She completed her undergraduate studies in Architecture at Diponegoro University in 2003. She then pursued a Master's degree in Disaster Management at Gadjah Mada University, graduating in 2021.
To support her career as a civil servant at the Jakarta Provincial Government, she undertook various educational and training programs. These included the Basic Planning Training in 2010, the Pre-Service Training for Group III in 2011, and the Functional Training for First-Level Planners in 2013.
Throughout her career as a civil servant in the Jakarta Provincial Government, Endah Nugrahaning Suciastuti served as a staff member at the Regional Development Planning Sub-Agency (Subanppeda) of North Jakarta Administrative City from 2010 to 2020. She then became a staff member at the Regional Research and Innovation Center of Bappeda from 2020 to 2023. Currently, in 2023, she holds the position of Social and Population Implementation Officer at the Regional Research and Innovation Center of Bappeda in the Jakarta Provincial Government.

Endah Nugrahaning

Head of Social and Population Implementation Unit, PRID Bappeda