Chairs of SDGs Working Group Environmental Development Pillar

Deftrianov, commonly known as Idef, was born in Jakarta on May 5, 1979. He completed his undergraduate studies in Urban and Regional Planning at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in 2002. He continued his education by earning a Master of Science in Economics from the Graduate Program in Economics (PPIE) at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, in 2014.
He has participated in various training and educational programs, including the Pre-Service Training for Group III at LAN Jakarta in 2007 and the Change Agent Training for Jakarta Provincial Government employees organized by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 2019. He has also attended numerous international training programs, such as Comprehensive City Planning in Japan (2007), MRT System Operation in Japan (2009), Training Workshop for Municipal Officials of Foreign Cities in South Korea (2010), Singapore Cooperation Programme on Public Housing in Singapore (2014), Dutch Training and Exposure Program on Integrated Urban Water Management in the Netherlands (2017), the 6th Temasek Foundation International Leaders in Urban Governance Programme in Singapore (2017), and the Medellin Lab on Integrated Urban Transformation in Colombia (2018).
He has also participated in several international conferences, notably as a speaker at the 3rd World Irrigation Forum and the 70th International Executive Council Meeting in 2019. Deftrianov began his career as a civil servant as a Staff Member in the SPKLH Division (2006-2014). He was then appointed as the Head of the Subdivision of Food Security and Trade (2014), Head of the Subdivision of Business Development, Employment, Tourism, and Culture (2015-2016), and Head of the Subdivision of Funding and Development (2017-2018). Currently, since November 2018, Deftrianov serves as the Head of the Urban Infrastructure and Environment Division (SPKLH). In this role, he also actively leads as Chairman of the Coordination Team for Water Resources Management (TKPSDA) of the Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin.
For his dedication, the President of the Republic of Indonesia awarded him the Satyalencana Karya Satya X in 2016.


Head of Development and Environment Division, Bappeda