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Jakarta Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Secretariat

The Jakarta Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Secretariat is part of the Jakarta SDGs Implementation Coordination Team, responsible for assisting in the achievement of SDGs in the Province. According to Governor's Decree Number 426 of 2023, the SDGs Secretariat operates under the coordination of the Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Center, Jakarta Regional Development Planning Agency, who also serves as the Chair of the SDGs Implementation Team for the period 2023-2026.

The duties and functions of the SDGs Secretariat include monitoring and evaluation, policy formulation, cross-agency coordination, and support for initiatives related to achieving the 17 SDGs at the provincial level. Additionally, the SDGs Secretariat initiates the implementation of area-based SDG mainstreaming programs to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs in Jakarta Province. In carrying out its tasks, the SDGs Secretariat focuses on four main pillars: social, economic, environmental, and legal and governance.

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Jakarta Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Secretariat

Jakarta’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is evident in its active implementation at the local level. The city recognizes the importance of integrating all dimensions of sustainability—social, economic, environmental, and governance—to ensure comprehensive progress and inclusivity. This commitment is reflected in Jakarta’s adoption of Governor Regulation No. 156 of 2018, which established the Local Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals from 2018 to 2022. This regulatory framework outlines specific targets and indicators tailored to Jakarta’s context, providing a clear roadmap for achieving the SDGs within the city.

Currently, Jakarta is working on the Local Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals for the period 2023-2026. This ongoing effort highlights the city’s focus on long-term sustainability, aligning closely with the Regional Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Daerah/RPD) for the same period. The city has also established a Coordination Team for Achieving Sustainable Development, led by the Governor and supported by various stakeholders, to ensure a holistic approach to SDG implementation. This team coordinates efforts across different sectors, focusing on social development, economic growth, environmental protection, and governance.

To ensure effective progress, Jakarta employs a rigorous monitoring and evaluation system. This includes preparing monitoring reports every semester and annual achievement reports, as mandated by national regulations. Through these reporting mechanisms, the city identifies challenges, tracks progress, and adjusts strategies as needed to effectively achieve the SDGs. Additionally, Jakarta communicates its SDG achievements through the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) document. In 2021, Jakarta produced its first VLR, focusing on four goals: Goals 1, 3, 4, and 17. The city has since published its second VLR, centered on building a livable and sustainable city with a focus on three key global urban issues: livability, environment, and accessibility.

Jakarta’s proactive approach to implementation, alignment with development plans, and dedication to thorough monitoring reflect its strong commitment to contributing meaningfully to the global sustainability agenda. Through these efforts, Jakarta aims to create a more inclusive and resilient urban environment for its residents, ensuring that its development is not only sustainable but also equitable and responsive to the needs of all its citizens.

Jakarta’s Journey toward the 2030 Agenda


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