
Andhika Ajie was born in Jakarta on December 13, 1975. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Architecture Engineering at the National Institute of Science and Technology in 2001, followed by a Master of Urban Administration and Planning from the University of Seoul in 2015.
Throughout his career in public service, Andhika Ajie has undertaken various educational and training endeavors. These include seminars and workshops such as the Seminar on Improvement of Jakarta MRT – JICA/Bappeda (2010), Basic Planning Education and Training – LPEM UI/Badiklat Provinsi DKI Jakarta (2010), and Pro-Poor Planning, Budgeting, and Monitoring Training (P3BM) – Bappenas/PSF (2013). He has also participated in international symposiums like The 3rd Asian Legislative Experts Symposium (ALES) (2015) and local conferences such as the National Conference on Safe Schools (2015).
Before his current role, Andhika Ajie engaged in professional development activities including Sustainable Professional Development: Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Introduction to "Space Frame" Structure Technology – IAI Daerah Bali (2004) and Architect's Code of Ethics Seminar – IAI Daerah Bali (2004).
In his public service journey, Andhika Ajie has held key positions at Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta, starting from his early roles as Staff of the Education, Sports, and Youth Subdivision, Library and Empowerment of Community Welfare Sector (2010-2013), to becoming Head of various subdivisions such as the Participatory Planning Development Subdivision and the Regional Development Work Plan Subdivision. Since January 2020, he has served as Head of the Local Government Work Plan Subdivision, Annual Development Planning Sector at Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

Andhika Ajie

Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Center, Bappeda