Achieve Gender Equality

SDG 05 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030. This includes eliminating discrimination and violence against women, ensuring equal opportunities, and supporting leadership and participation in decision-making.

Get Involved

Support gender equality by advocating for women's rights, participating in gender equality initiatives, and promoting policies that ensure equal opportunities and protection for all genders.

Achieve Gender Equality

SDG 05 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030. This goal focuses on ending discrimination and violence against women and girls, ensuring equal opportunities in leadership and decision-making, and promoting equal access to education and employment.

Key targets include eliminating gender disparities, promoting women's leadership, and ensuring access to reproductive health services. The goal is to create a world where all genders can enjoy equal rights and opportunities.

Data Indicators


Best Practices

SDGs Targets

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Target 5.1

Equal Rights to Education Ensure that all girls and boys have equal access to quality education at all levels, which helps close gender gaps and promotes lifelong learning opportunities.

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Target 5.2

End Discrimination Eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls, and ensure equal participation in decision-making processes.

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Target 5.3

Promote Women in Leadership Increase the representation of women in leadership positions at all levels, including political, economic, and social sectors.

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Target 5.4

Universal Access to Health Services Ensure access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, education, and health care.

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Target 5.5

Strengthen Legal Frameworks Adopt and enforce laws that promote gender equality and protect women and girls from violence and discrimination.

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Target 5.6

Empower Women and Girls Enhance women's economic empowerment by improving access to financial resources, education, and job opportunities.

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Target 5.A

Address Gender-Based Violence Implement and enforce policies to prevent and address gender-based violence in all its forms.

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Target 5.B

Support Gender-Sensitive Policy Frameworks Develop and implement gender-sensitive policy frameworks at national and international levels to support gender equality and address barriers faced by women and girls.

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Target 5.C

Ensure Gender Parity in Education Achieve gender parity in education and training by increasing access to education for girls and women in all sectors.

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Target 5.D

Address Gender Inequality in Health Reduce health inequalities by addressing gender-specific health issues and improving access to healthcare services for women and girls.

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Target 5.E

Combat Gender-Based Pollution Address the impact of environmental pollution on women and girls and work towards reducing exposure to harmful pollutants.

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Target 5.F

Promote Gender-Inclusive Research Support research and development efforts that address gender disparities and promote equal opportunities in all areas of life.


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Lampiran 1 Laporan Pencapaian TPB 2019_

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