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Jakarta, August 28, 2024 - As many as 106 members of Jakarta City Council 2024-2029 period were inaugurated, Monday (8/26). The inauguration was held at Jakarta City Council Building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta and led by Jakarta City Council 2019-2024 Chairman, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi. Temporary Jakarta City Council Deputy Chairman, Jhonny Simanjuntak, said the next stages after the inauguration and swearing-in of City Council members include leading City Council meetings, preparing the formation of factions, discussing City Council rules of procedure and preparing council equipment (AKD).

"We will try as soon as possible since the discussion of the rules of procedure usually takes time," he said. Regarding the time needed to determine the definitive chairman, Jhonny added that it really depends on the discussion of the rules of procedure. "It can be done in two weeks as long as we do it quickly," he added. This inauguration marks the beginning of a five-year term for the new Jakarta City Council members who are expected to work earnestly for the interests of Jakarta residents.

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