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Jakarta, July 18, 2024 - Jakarta is at the forefront of promoting gender equality with a series of initiatives designed to empower women in business. These initiatives aim to bridge the gender gap in the workforce and support women entrepreneurs, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 5. By offering mentorship programs, funding for women-led startups, and policies ensuring equal pay, Jakarta is fostering a more inclusive and equitable business environment.

The mentorship programs pair aspiring female entrepreneurs with successful businesswomen who provide guidance, support, and valuable industry insights. This not only helps women navigate the challenges of starting and running a business but also builds a strong network of female leaders who can advocate for and support each other. The city has also introduced funding opportunities specifically for women-led startups, providing crucial financial support that enables these businesses to launch and grow.

Furthermore, Jakarta has implemented policies to promote equal pay and career advancement opportunities for women. These policies are designed to eliminate gender-based wage disparities and ensure that women have the same opportunities for promotion and leadership roles as their male counterparts. As a result of these initiatives, female entrepreneurship in Jakarta has seen a 25% increase, and more women are occupying leadership positions in various sectors. Jakarta's commitment to gender equality not only empowers women but also drives economic growth and innovation, making it a model for other cities to emulate.

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