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Jakarta, July 18, 2024 - Jakarta has made remarkable strides in improving access to clean water and sanitation for its residents, addressing one of the most pressing issues in urban development. Over the past few years, the city has implemented a series of initiatives aimed at upgrading its water infrastructure and expanding sanitation services. This includes the deployment of advanced water treatment technologies and the construction of new sewage systems, which have significantly reduced the incidence of waterborne diseases and improved public health outcomes.

The local government, in collaboration with international organizations and private sector partners, has invested heavily in modernizing the city's water supply network. This effort has resulted in a 20% increase in the number of households with access to clean and safe drinking water, benefiting millions of residents. Additionally, community education programs have been launched to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and proper sanitation practices, further enhancing the impact of these infrastructure improvements.

Residents have already started to feel the positive effects of these changes. With cleaner water readily available and better sanitation facilities in place, there has been a noticeable decline in health issues related to poor water quality. Jakarta's success in this area serves as a model for other cities facing similar challenges, demonstrating the effectiveness of coordinated efforts between the government, private sector, and civil society in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

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